One of the scariest things that ever happened to me at The Tunnels was also the first time I went there illegally, it should almost be posted in "First Time", but I had technically been there once before, so I figured it should go here. It was about a week or two after the haunted house which I speak of in the "First Time", on a cold fall night. We parked at the Speedway gas station on the corner of 5mile and Sheldon(a place we didn't park in for years afterward) and walked up sheldon to a gate on the west side of the street. We ran in and ducked behind the tall grass for cover, and to make sure no one saw us go in. Once my friends decided it was safe, we ran to a set of stairs that appeared to lead into a tunnel. Just when we got close, we heard voices and ran back to our hiding spot in the grass. As the voices grew near , we could make out 2 shadowy figures. There was 2 men, walking in our direction, with GOD DAMNED RIFLES IN THEIR HANDS!!! I - being like 11 years old - was speechless , but my friends older brother managed to whisper "Do you think they saw us?" His friend could only shrug his shoulders, but these were obviously NOT police officers. So once they were out of site, we ran our asses off back to the car and got the hell out of there. In the car the older dudes tried to play it off and joked about those guy being rednecks and hunting racoons. Was some scary shit!