Wacots.org in an effort to spread philanthropy though out the internet, hosts several educational websites. We only adminstrate wacots.org proper but also host, www.nailhed.com and www.sugargrovehistory.org All three sites offer free historical content.
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Sugar Grove Historical Society
Nailhed.comCurrent critical system status's are: Updated August 28, 2022
Current critical system status's are: Updated 19:26:02 August 28, 2022
All Status are Normal
Boilerhouse Operations Status: 45%
Haskell-Net 56K Backup on loaded f2
WACAS update rollback.
Ball jam on lane two
Radiator pressure at 5 psi
Hospital clock missing
Firmware verison out of date
Watch this space Oct 31 2022
Hit the "3 bar" icon to reboot and choose your destination
If any of these are your issues we are working on them. Level 5 managment has been notified and requests status updates every 15 mintues. Boilerhouse Operations and DEG technician Sloop John has been dispatched and is currently at CTG16NRTHVLMI location updating his tunnel maps. no ETA on restoral.

Customer Service Representative GF1941 will follow up.