Vintage Photos
A set of vintage photos that will be changed out over time.
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© 2020 Sugar Grove Historical Society

ca. 1917 In front of 163 Main Street. 141 Main Street in the back ground on the left before the Sugar Grove Community House was built. 142 Main Street can be seen to the right of the kids with part of 148 Main Street's porch at the very right edge.

Photo taken just south of Maple Street on Main Street looking towards the railroad crossing, Kecks store (post fire rebuilt building that still exists) on the right and Millers Store and Ice Cream Parlor, (Demolished in the 1980's)on the left,

4H Club. Meeting at Sugar Grove Normal and Industrial School 163 Main Street.

4th of July 1966 Everett Skow truck. Main Street at Maple looking northwest from the east side of Main

Class of 1886

1887 Commencement