Tips on using this website
The best option is to utilize your devices features to opitmize viewing.
If using a mobile device such as a cellphone, "landscape" or "wide" mode will display pages best.
Some devices will allow your to open an image in a new window and zoom in on it.
Some device browsers will allow a night time and desktop version to be used.
Underlined text will contain a link to an image or page that is relevant to the topic. Tap or click it to follow.
There is a menu bar along top of the screen for devices with larger screens and at the top right there is side bar menu for smaller screens. It is an icon of 3 short gray horizontal bars that looks like the one seen here "
"You should see it in the top right corner just tap on it.
The "Home" link on the top left will always take you back to the main page.
January 13, 2020