Sugar Grove Library located in the Snow Family House until it was torn down. Circa 1910.

Snow House and Library - Rotated Image.jpg

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Sugar Grove Library located in the Snow Family House until it was torn down. Circa 1910.


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The Snow Family House was located on Main Street next to and north of the Sugar Grove Community House on the west side of Main St. It was purchased from Carter Wilson to become the Sugar Grove Library until it was torn down.
Previously the Public Library was housed in the Sugar Grove Community House.

Additional history regarding the establishment of a library in Sugar Grove Township appears in the account found in "Past and Present of Kane County, Illinois. 1878" on page 416-417:

"Two Public Libraries have exercised an important influence in the mental culture of the inhabitants of the township. According to some of the early settlers, sectional jealousy was first introduced through them; but be that as it may, their beneficial effects can scarcely be over estimated. Sectional feeling must have appeared of necessity, as the entire township became settled, and the fact that it was ushered in with the first library should count for naught in a consideration of the value of the library itself. The first one was organized in the winter of 1843, by the farmers resolving themselves into a company of stockholders. Three of them headed the list by purchasing shares to the amount of ten dollars each, and others followed with smaller sums. The books were first kept at the house of S.G. Paull, Section 16, and the collection bore the name of Farmers' Library. The old records show that the books were most industriously read, and additions were occasionally made to their number until, in 1851, there were 264 volumes, embracing valuable works upon a variety of topics. many of them are now in the school house, in District 7. The second library was known as the Independent Farmers' Library, and was established during the Winter following the organization of the first. It was kept at Colonel Ingham's house, two and a half miles from the other. The books have now become scattered."

Source: "Past and Present of Kane County, Illinois. 1878" at pages 416-417.


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Circa 1910




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